HIV/AIDS Education Seminar for Chiefs, Queen mothers, Assembly members And Unit Committee members from Ho, Keta and Ketu Districts, with sponsorship from GTZ-RAPA Project and WHO. The result of this workshop has lead to active involvement of Chiefs and Opinion Leaders in the Southern sector of Volta Region in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The seminar enhances the knowledge based of some opinion leader forming community based organization to fight AIDS. (June 2000 to September 2002)
Our Academy
Galvanizing the energies and resources of rural communities towards conscious internally evolved integrated and sustainable development for improvement in general rural living standards and impacting positively on the orphans, vulnerable and the excluded.
Help the under privilege children to harness their potentials to secure their safety

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Our Activities
264 young girls between the age of 16 to 28 (Majority Teenage Mothers) have been trained in self-employable skills like Batik, tie and dye, Sewing and Kente weaving within 18 months period in Ho Municipality. 65% of the trainees are now working as self employed in their areas of skill. The project has encouraged other young people to acquire self employable skills instead of indulging into pre-marital sex and commercial sex industry which expose most of them to HIV/AIDS infection. The project has benefited